What is the Science of Happiness?
The science of happiness is a burgeoning new area of interdisciplinary science, primarily social science with some neuroscience to help explain the brain’s processes. It is a collection of scientific work all aimed to explore what makes us human beings thrive and flourish. Some call it the science of positive psychology, but it draws from more than psychology alone. The field focuses on research that enhances our lives and makes us all better. For example, lab experiments may focus on defining conditions that foster courage, creativity, generosity, and laughter rather than those that induce depraved behavior.
The Science of Happiness is Not New
In 1998, the field of psychology turned focus from understanding helplessness and depression to understanding human strengths necessary to heal our internal damage. In 1999, The Gallup Organization founded the Gallup Positive Psychology Institute to sponsor academic work in the field. In 2000, the international scientific research journal called the Journal of Happiness Studies: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Subjective Well-Being, began. Since then, plenty of free online courses on the Science of Happiness have sprung up, put together by Yale and University of California at Berkeley along with many lesser-known sources. UC Berkeley has established the Greater Good Science Center, reporting on groundbreaking research into the roots of compassion, happiness, and altruism. The center sponsors Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life.
At Paradise Found, we’re not inventing the science of happiness. We’re just the first ones to build a retreat around it. And an amazing retreat it is.
Why Study the Science of Happiness?
- Learning about the science of happiness helps you get more value out of your time here on earth. We are all just passing time until we’re done here. Might as well get all the great stuff we can from this life while we’re here. The science of happiness helps with that.
- Helps you have better relationships, live your life in greater harmony with others. Develops deeper understanding of your place and the place of others here in this existence, helping reduce stress in your life.
- Helps you thrive! Helps you feel amazing in every way.
- Happiness helps physical health.